EZ80 Micro Computer

                        27 dec 1997 revision

                          (c) Wilf Rigter




The EZ80 (pronounced "eazy 80") is an all CMOS Z80 controller with some

novel features. The simple design, powerful debugging features and low

power (>10 ma) consumption make it suitable for battery powered robotics

hand-held and/or educational applications. The EZ80 consists of a CMOS

Z80, 32K of battery backed up CMOS RAM, a CMOS 8255 with 24 I/O lines,

and four simple 74HC type glue chips. "No EPROM!", you say? But how...?

The big feature of the EZ80 is the "blank slate" memory and the unique

on-board programming hardware which does not need a monitor program in

EPROM.  This is similar to some single chip micro controller chips which

have on chip EEPROM programming capability. The EZ80 programming is

performed using a standard IBM PC printer port (LPT) connection and PC

programming (EZ80.COM) software. The EZ80 single stepper circuit is

combined with op codes and data from the printer port to generate random

access addressing to program the on board non-volatile memory and

perform a range of debugging functions. The EZ80.COM program so far

provides the following functions:


1. FILE             8. BREAKPOINT

2. LOAD             9. RUN

3. SAVE             10.RESET

4. VERIFY           11.SETUP

5. LIST             12.SHELL

6. STEP             13.USER

7. TRACE            14.EXIT


The programming functions operate on single bytes or blocks of up

to 32K bytes. Program code is normally stored in the 0-16K block which

is non-volatile and write protected. The read/write data is stored in

the 16K-32K block. A 8255 is a 24 bit parallel interface with four

registers corresponding to 3 general purpose 8 bit TTL compatible I/O

ports and a control register. While all 24 I/O pins are available for

small standalone applications, the EZ80 I/O design is focused on

emulating an IBM PC printer port to take advantage of the many LPT

peripheral projects designed for the PC. Conversely any EZ80 I/O

expansion project should be compatible with the PC LPT port as well!


Port A is a true bi-directional data port which can be connected to any-

thing from a printer to a PC printer port. In fact, during programming,

it is connected to the PC LPT data lines and is used for writing opcodes

and data to the CPU and data to the memory. Port B has added hardware to

interface with a 64 contact keyboard matrix. Port C is in fact two 4 bit

I/O ports used to emulate LPT type control and status lines. A special 4

bit port is required to multiplex EZ80 data bytes into high and low data

nibbles suitable for interfacing with the PC LPT status lines. This is

done with a 74HC257 only used during programming. The 5th status line is

connected to the Z80 HALT line to monitor and trap Break Points during

debugging. During programming, a 74HC1389 decoder and 74HC02 NOR gate

generate the necessary internal control signals from the four PC LPT

control lines.


With it's build-in DB25 connector matching the PC LPT pin-out, the EZ80

can be connected using standard PC connecting cables to a printer or PC,

or digital and analog I/O expansion units which we will design in future

articles. As a bonus, these I/O expansion units can also be used with

any IBM PC.


Circuit Overview


The EZ80 circuit details are shown in the schematic fig 1. The circuit

consists of a Z80 connected straight to a 32K SRAM and 8255 PPI chip.

The CPU clock is provided by a textbook CMOS gate 4 MHz crystal

oscillator. Chip count and circuit simplicity are key factors in the

EZ80 design so no additional memory or I/O decoding is provided. The

single stepper uses a dual 74HC74 D flip flop instead of the more common

monostable to produce a two clock cycle positive "run" pulse to the Z80

WAIT line to step to the next bus cycle.  The CPU uses bus cycles to

access memory or I/O devices and this can be a M1 opcode fetch or any

other read or write cycle. The WAIT line is usually used to lengthen

CPU bus cycles to synchronize the CPU bus to devices with slow access

time. In the case of the single stepper, the CPU is held in the WAIT

state and is advanced one bus cycle at a time by "tugging" the WAIT

line with a "run" pulse. The RUN command activates the 74HC74 preset

input to force the WAIT line positive and to allow the CPU to run at

full speed. The 8255 PPI defaults on power up to all input ports and

this is used to advantage in the programming circuit to connect the PC

LPT data lines to the CPU bus. A 74HC138 decoder and 74HC02 NOR gate are

used with the PC LPT control lines to override the Z80 IORQ, A0,A7,RD

and WR control signals. When these signals are applied in the correct

sequence, the PC LPT port can exercise a kind of direct memory access

(DMA) to the EZ80 RAM and Z80 data bus. A 74HC14 Schmitt trigger is used

as inverters and to condition some of the PC LPT control lines. The

74HC257 is used to read the RAM data bytes in two nibbles to the four

PC LPT status lines. The RESET circuit uses a push button or a decoded

reset command to reset the Z80 and 8255 chips. The MC32164, a TO92

voltage monitor, also resets the system whenever the Vcc drops below

+4.75 Volts. This prevents undefined Z80 operations during power cycling

which could corrupt memory or send spurious signals to the I/O pins.

The RAM is partially write protected with Q1 which gates the Z80 WR line

whenever the A14 line is low. This provides 16K bytes of write protected

memory from 0K-16K and 16K of read/write memory from 16K-32K.


What makes it tick?


The 4MHz CPU clock is generated with a text book low power CMOS Pierce

oscillator using one section of the 74HC02 NOR gate as an inverter with

the crystal in the feedback path.




The EZ80 uses a CMOS Z80A CPU for reduced power consumption. Details

of the CPU functions can be found in the ZILOG literature. With a minor

modification to ZX81 ROM code is compatible with the EZ80 hardware and

control programs can be written in ZX81 BASIC. Without the video, the

INT and NMI lines are now available on the board for user applications.

Future projects will customize the ZX81 ROM for use with the EZ80 I/O

and add such hardware as a DFILE compatible LCD interface.


Lest we forget


The 62256 RAM chip, which is also low power CMOS, uses a 3V lithium cell

for non-volatile program storage. Note the novel use of a common Vdd

line and the negative battery connection to the RAM Vss line. This

ensures that the RAM CE and WR lines are disabled by automatically

switching to Vdd during power-down. In addition, the MC34164 supervisory

circuit of Q1 pulls the reset line low when Vdd falls below 4.75V

With the simple one chip memory, no address decoding is required for

the EZ80. However the WRITE PROTECTOR circuit divides the memory map as

follows: 16K of program memory from 0K-16K is write protected during

normal program execution and the 16K-32K block is always accessible as

read/write RAM. All memory is read/write accessible in the programming



Boot Strap?


The EZ80 uses a hardware "boot strap" circuit to program the "blank"

memory from power up. This is the same procedure used in the earliest

days of computers when the "boot strap" program  was entered through

the front panel switches. That toggling procedure was tedious and

only a short program was loaded through the front panel which was just

enough to start the paper tape reader to load in the next layer of

operating system software. The way in which a PC initializes it's BIOS

and DOS in successively more complex layers follows a similar sequence

but has evolved so that by now the operator's front panel actions have

been reduced to, at most, using in the proverbial three finger salute.

In fact a bank of 12 switches and some LEDs could still be used to

program the EZ80 but instead we have finally found a useful application

for the IBM PC, as a high priced front panel for the EZ80.


Printer Port Rules, OK!


The EZ80 circuit in Fig 1 shows the connection from the PC printer port

via the DB25 connector to the 8255 chip, a 74HC257 chip, a 74HC02 NOR

gate, a 74HC74 dual D flip flop and a 74HC138 decoder chip.

The 74HC138 is used to decode the PC printer port control lines during

programming to control and override various internal EZ80 signals. The

74HC138 control functions and codes are shown in fig 7 for the relevant

PC printer port control line states. These functions codes are used to

reset, single step and run the Z80 and to control the RAM chip RD and

WR lines. The 8255 port A is connected to the PC printer port data lines

which are used to control the EZ80 CPU data bus. The 74HC257 is used to

read the memory data in two nibbles to the PC printer port status lines.

In the RUN mode, the EZ80 printer port emulates a PC LPT port and can

be use with various external devices or can directly control 16 external

TTL I/O lines.


One Small Step for Man


The novel 74HC74 SINGLE STEPPER circuit controls the Z80 WAIT line to

single step the Z80 one bus cycle at a time or with the 8255 can force

external OPCODES (ie NOP) on the Z80 data bus during each instruction

cycle while the RAM OE line is disabled. The WAIT line is also used to

enable the NIBBLER circuit allowing the data bus to read on the LPT

STATUS lines one nibble at a time. I really like this simple Z80

single stepper circuit which is destined to become a classic. It adapts

itself to any CPU clock frequency unlike the usual monostable pulse

generator designs. The single stepper timing states are shown in fig 3.


One Giant Leap for Mankind


In the PROGRAM mode, the 8255 is used to place externally generated

opcodes and data onto the CPU data bus. No initialization is necessary

since the I/O ports are in the input mode on power up. With the PC LPT

port data lines on Port A and with control of the RAM OE normal memory

access is disabled, and the PC can force the 8255 Port A data on the

CPU bus . This is accomplished with 3 NOR gates which enables the 8255

chip select and forces port A input data to be read on the CPU data bus.

This is such a powerful feature that I have only uncovered the tip of

the iceberg of possibilities. For example, the PC software presently

writes NOPs to Port A to increment the Z80 program counter (and address

lines) to desired starting address but it is just as easy and a lot

faster to write a 3 byte jump instruction to load the PC counter.

NOPs are still used to STEP through and LIST a block of the memory

contents. Ideally, the data read by LIST is automatically disassembled

to mnemonics.  (This one is on my wish list :) During TRACE, the single

stepper simply advances the Z80 to the next bus cycle without forcing

Port A on the CPU bus. While TRACEing each bus cycle of the program,

the contents of the Z80 registers can be examined with a couple of

POP and PUSH instructions. As you can see this is pretty powerful

stuff for such a simple circuit!  While single stepping through a

program, the PC has to write a sequence of instructions which cause

to Z80 to describe it's present state and then restore everything back

before executing the next instruction.  Any volunteers?

The RUN command simply releases the WAIT line and allows the CPU to

execute the code in real time from a given starting address. This is

useful to check out subroutines, etc. In order to return control to the

PC after executing the subroutine or any other code segment we want to

be able to insert a break point at the point where the PC takes over.

This can be done by inserting a HALT in the code eg. replacing the RET

instruction at the end of the subroutine. The Z80 HALT line is connected

to the fifth PC LPT status line (ERR) and when the HALT instruction is

executed, the CPU pulls the HALT line low and stops. The PC monitors the

HALT line and when active, dumps the Z80 registers including the Program

Counter (PC) and compares the PC to a list of break point addresses and

then restores the missing instruction.


Row and Columns


Like the ZX81, the EZ80 has a keyboard interface to connect to a 40

contact keyboard matrix. It uses the A8-15 lines to scan 8 rows and 5

column data lines are connected to bits D0-4 of Port B at I/O address

FE. Sound familiar? In order to use the address lines for scanning the

keyboard rows we can use the Z80 IN A,(C) opcode to read 8 X 5 bits of

column data on Port A by rotating a low bit through the B register. This

opcode uses the C register to address the I/O port on the A0-A7 lines

while the B register appears simultaneously on the A8-A15 lines. The

other three bits (D5-7) can be used to expand the matrix to 64 keys or

uses for a tape input, synchronous serial interface or for a bit banger

UART application. The I/O address of this port is identical to and

compatible with the ZX81 ULA keyboard port.


Yippie I/O


The 8255 is a general purpose parallel I/O port. The 8255 defaults to

3 input ports on reset and to configure ports for output, a control word

must be written to the control register. Port A is generally used as a

byte wide bi-directional PC compatible printer port Port B is generally

used as a forty contact keyboard interface. Port C is used for 4 control

and 4 status lines for the PC printer port. Port A, B and C can also be

used for any general purpose parallel I/O. In a future article,

applications will be presented which will explore all the features of

this excellent chip. The 8255 uses the A0 and A1, to address internal

registers. In the EZ80, the inverted A0 and A4 lines are connected for

ZX81 compatibility and easy to remember hex address codes 00,01,10,11.

The 8255 data registers for ports A, B and C are addressed at 11, 10 and

01 and the control register is located at address 00. These addresses

are also compatible with the ZX81 at FF, FE, 7F and 7E respectively.

Note: Port C output bits can be accessed at two different locations.

Port C is accessed at address 01, but in addition, individual Port C

bits can be set or reset by writing data values 00 to 0F to the control

register at address 00. Use even data, 02 to 0E, to reset bits 0 to 7

respectively and odd data 01 to 0F set bits 0 to 7.


Who Controls the Controller?


Fig 6 shows how PC LPT control lines are used to control access to the

EZ80 internal bus. The prog/run switch S1, enables the 74HC138 and the

appropriate LPT control codes can be used to read, write, etc. Fig 7

shows the state of the LPT control lines as well as the internal control

signals and the control code which is written to the PC LPT control

register. This control code value is not straight forward. The value is

made up from binary weighted values (shown in brackets in fig 6) but

some bits are inverted with respect to the control line. In other words

writing a 0 to some control register bits will result in a 1 state of

the corresponding control line. The STB (1), ALF (2), and SEL (8) bits

are all inverted but the INI (4) line is true. In fig 7, a plus or minus

indicates a true or inverted bit. No wonder the odd relationship between

the control code and the state of the control lines. Note that WR pulses

have to be generated by writing three control codes in sequence.

Similarly, writing OPCODES and TRACING bus cycles require a sequence of

control codes. I have shown one possible sequence but other sequences

which combine stepping and reading the data bus are also possible. The

thing to remember is that DATA must be stable at certain times and the

INI line must be held high while changing the STB and ALF lines to avoid

glitching of the decoder outputs. This is important because of the slow

rise and fall times of the LPT port signals. Note the SEL line, which

activates the single stepper, is conditioned with a Schmitt trigger to

avoid double stepping.


Wrap Up


What can I say about the EZ80 that I haven't already said twice? I was

pleasantly surprised to discover a number of new ideas/features just

writing the article. That's always a good sign that there are more ideas

still to be discovered.  This project also resonates with my contention

that many interesting things happen at the simple end of the complexity

spectrum. This is the nurture phase of the EZ80 project where I look for

some support. The simple hardware, elegant design and interesting

attributes make the EZ80 "easy" to use for a variety of applications.

Let's have those ideas, comments, corrections and let's have some fun!


I suggest using http://www.ts1000.us/boards.htm for zx81 related discussion

but feel free to contact me at: wrigter@dccnet.com


Finally if the ASCII circuit gives you problems, here is a graphic schematic,

many thanks to Rodney Knaap  ez80_files\EZ80 Schematic.gif








                                 KEY MATRIX    1N4448

     0V       5V       5V     -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|------------>|-----A8

RESET |       |        |      -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|------------>|-----A9

    -|      [10K]   ___|___   -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|------------>|-----A10

      |_______|____|MC34164|  -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|------------>|-----A11

      |      +|    |_______|  -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|------------>|-----A12

   [100K] 1uF===       |      -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|------------>|-----A13

      |       |        |      -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|------------>|-----A14

      |      0V       0V      -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|------------>|-----A15

      |                        | | | | | | | |            +5V

      |____        __________  | | | | | | | |          ___|___

           |      |          | | | | | | | | |         |  Vdd |

RESET _____|__|\__|___|\___  | | | | | | | | |_________|PB0   |

              |/      |/   | | | | | | | | |___________|PB1   |

                           | | | | | | | |_____________|PB2   |

                           | | | | | | |_______________|PB3   |

     5V              5V    | | | | | |_________________|PB4   |

     |               |     | | | | |___________________|PB5   |

   __|__          ___|___  | | | |_____________________|PB6   |

  | Vdd |        |  Vdd  | | | |_______________________|PB7   |

  |     |        |   /RST|_| |_________________________|RST   |

  |   D0|________|D0   D0|_____________________________|D0    |

  |   D1|________|D1   D1|_____________________________|D1    |

  |   D2|________|D2   D2|_____________________________|D2    |

  |   D3|________|D3   D3|_____________________________|D3    |

  |   D4|________|D4   D4|_____________________________|D4    |

  |   D5|________|D5   D5|_____________________________|D5    |

  |   D6|________|D6   D6|_____________________________|D6    |

  |   D7|________|D7   D7|_____________________________|D7    |

  |62256|        |  Z80  |                             | 8255 |

  |   CE|--------|MREQ   |                             |      |

  |   A0|--------|A0   A0|--------------------|02 \____|A     |   LPT

  |   A1|--------|A1     |                 +--|__ /    |   PA0|-- PD0

  |   A2|--------|A2     |                 |   __      |   PA1|-- PD1

  |   A3|--------|A3     |                 |--|02 \____|B  PA2|-- PD2

  |   A4|--------|A4   A4|---------------- | -|__ /    |   PA3|-- PD3

  |   A5|--------|A5     |                 |   __      |   PA4|-- PD4

  |   A6|--------|A6 IORQ|____|\ _______   |--|02 \____|CS PA5|-- PD5

  |   A7|--------|A7     |    |/        `- | -|__ /    |   PA6|-- PD6

  |   A8|--------|A8 HALT ____|\ _________ | _         |   PA7|-- PD7

  |   A9|--------|A9     |    |/           |  |        |   PC0|-- STB

  |  A10|--------|A10 BRQ|--*  J1          |  |        |   PC1|-- ALF

  |  A11|--------|A11 INT|--*  J2          |  |        |   PC2|-- INI

  |  A12|--------|A12 NMI|--*  J3          |  |        |   PC3|-- SIN

  |  A13|--------|A13  WR|_____________    |  |        |   PC4|-- SEL

  |  A14|--------|A14 A14|_________    |   |  |        |   PC5|-- PE

  |   OE|_____   |   WAIT|_____    |   |   |  |        |   PC6|-- ACK

  |   WR|__   |  |    CLK|_    |   |   |   |  |        |   PC7|-- BSY

 _|VSS  |  |  |  |       | |   |   |   |   |  |    0V__|VSS   |

| |_____|  |  |  |_______| |   |   |   |   |  |        |______|

|          |  |___________ | _ | _ | _ | __|  |__________________ ERR

|          |           |   |   |   |   |_________

|          |           |   |   |   |_________    |      NIBBLER

|          |           |   |   |             |   |       _____

|          |_______    |   |   |  5V         |   |  D0 _|     |__ SELIN

| 1N34A            |   |   |   |   |         |   |  D1 _|     |__ PE

|-->|-------- 0V   |   |   |   | [10K]     [10K] |  D2 _|     |__ ACK

| 1uF +            |   |   |   |   |   ___   |   |  D3 _|     |__ BSY

|--)|-------- 5V   |__ | _ | _ | __|__|c  |  |   |  D4 _|     |

| 1N34A            |   |   |   |      |  b|__|   |  D5 _|  A/B|______

+-->|--[3V]+- 5V   |   |   |   |    __|e  |      |  D6 _|    S|___   |

  3V  BATTERY      |   |   |   |   |  |___|      |  D7 _|     |   |  |

      BACKUP       |   |   |   |   |  2N3904     |      | 257 |   |  |

                   |   |   |   |   |_____________|      |_____|   |  |

                   |   |   |   |    WRITE PROTECTOR               |  |

   OSCILLATOR      |   |   |   |                                  |  |

    __|-|___       |   |   |   |    SINGLE STEPPER                |  |

   |  |-|   |      |   |   |   |__________________________________|  |

   |  4Mz   |      |   |   |   |    ______________          |        |

   |-[10M]--|      |   |   |   |   |      _____   |     ___ | _      |

   |   __ [2K]     |   |   |   |   |   __|__   |  |  __|__  |  |     |

   +--|02 \_|_____ | _ | __|__ | __|__|C S Q|  |  |_|C S Q|_|  |     |

   +--|__ / |      |   |       |      | 74  |  |    | 74  |    |     |

   |        |      |   |       |______|D  /Q|__|____|D  /Q|_   |     |

   ==      ===     |   |              |__R__|       |__R__|    |     |

   |        |      |  _|                 |_____________|       |     |

   0V      0V      | |    ____________________________ | ______|     |

                   | |   |                 ___________ | ____________|

                   | |   |                | CONTROL    |

                   | |   |                | DECODER    |___/|___ SEL (8)

                   | |   |                |                \|

                   | |-- | --[1OK]------- | ---------+

                   | |   |                |  _____   |

                   | |   |                |_|0   A|__|_____/|___ STB (1)

                   | |   |---[10K]----------|1   B|_______ \|

                   | |   |             __ __|2   C|___ 0V |_____ ALF (2)

                   | |   |        5V  |    _|3  /E|_____________ INI (4)

                   | |   |        |   |   | |   /E|___ 0V

                   | |   |      [10K] |   | |    E|__

                   | |   |      __|   |   | |_____|  |    S1

                   | |   +->|--'__|__ | _ | _________|____/ ___0V

                   | +---->|---'      |   |

                   +------------->|---+   +---|<--------------> RESET


                    Figure 1 - The EZ80 Complete Circuit



                     |    __________________________ | ___ CLOCK

                     |   |      _____   |      _____ | ___ /RUN

                     |   |   __|__   |  |   __|__    |

                     |   |__|C S Q|  |  |__|C S Q|___|____ /WAIT

                     |      | 74  |  |     | 74  |

                     |______|D  /Q|__|_____|D  /Q|__

                            |__R__|        |__R__|

                               |______________|_____/|_____ SEL (8)


                     Figure 2 - The Single Stepper


               _       _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _

    CLOCK    _| |_| > | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_

                 __   ___

    SEL       __|   >    |_____________________________________

              _____   ________________________

    /RUN            >                         |________________

                           ________            ________________

    /WAIT     _____ > ____|        |__________|


                     Figure 3 -  Single Stepper Timming



        __|-|___                                    +5V

       |  |-|   |               CPU /WR = 0          |

       |  4Mz   |                   A14 = 1          |

       |-[10M]--|               -----------        [10K]

       |   __  [2k] _   _       RAM /WR = 0          |___ RAM /WR

       +--|02 \_|__| |_| |_                        |/c

       +--|__ / |                   A14 ---{10K]--b|

       |        |                                  |\e

       == 82p  === 220p                              |___ CPU /WR

       |        |

       0V      0V


     Figure 4 - Oscillator            Figure 5 - Write Protector



                   /OE -------------+

                            _____   |___/|____ STB (1)

                   A/B ----|0   A|__|   \|

                   /WR ----|1   B|____________ ALF (2)

                  /RST ----|2   C|____________ 0V

                  /RUN ----|3  /E|____________ INI (4)

                           |   /E|____________ 0V

                           |    E|__ ____/  __ 0V

                           | 138 |  | PROG/RUN

                           |_____|  |

                                    `--[10K]-- 5V


                    Figure 6 - Control Decoder






READ RAM LOW    14  1    0    1    0    X    0    0    1    1    1    1

READ RAM HIGH   10  1    0    0    0    X    0    0    0    1    1    1

WRITE MEMORY(1) 15  0    0    1    0    X    0    1    1    1    1    1

WRITE MEMORY(2) 11  0    0    0    0  STABLE 0    1    1    0    1    1

WRITE MEMORY(3) 15  0    0    1    0  STABLE 0    1    1    1    1    1

WRITE OPCODE(1) 15  0    0    1    0    X    0    1    1    1    1    1

WRITE OPCODE(2) 07  0    0    1    1  STABLE 0    1    1    1    1    1

WRITE OPCODE(3) 15  0    0    1    0  STABLE 1*   1    1    1    1    1

TRACE OPCODE(1) 14  1    0    1    0    X    0    0    1    1    1    1

TRACE OPCODE(2) 06  1    0    1    1    X    0    0    1    1    1    1

TRACE OPCODE(3) 14  1    0    1    0    X    1*   0    1    1    1    1

RESET           12  0    1    0    0    X    X    1    1    1    0    1

RUN             08  1    1    0    0    X    1    0    1    1    1    0

NO FUNCTION     15  0    0    1    0    X    0    1    1    1    1    1


1* = positive pulse for 2 clk periods


                    Figure 7 - Control Function Codes