wilf rigter 06/2005


This is part 1 of two articles inspired by the MemoHRG module. 

That unit uses the following components (thanks to Michael Anton)




74LS37 Quad 2 Input NAND Gate

74LS20 Dual 4 Input NAND Gate

74LS74 Dual D Flip-Flop

74LS125 Quad Transceiver

74LS373 Octal Latch

2716 2KB EPROM

7805 Voltage regulator


Conspicuously absent from the parts list is a STATIC RAM chip, which

made me curious indeed how it manages to display a 248x192 true hires

screen using the standard 16K dynamic RAM pack. Moreover, the docs

indicate that the hires display can be anywhere in memory without regard

to address boundaries!




I don’t have this Memotech unit on hand to actually reverse engineer it,

which is just as well since it allows me design a work-alike circuit based

on the description of operation and a cursory analysis of the HRG EPROM

disassembly found here.




While I work out the final details of the HRG portion to be posted in part 2,

I would like to share some of the buried treasure I uncovered thus far.


You may be surprised to find that the MemoHRG unit uses the ZX81 internal

RAM chip to patch new video routines over the ZX81 ROM code.

The MemoHRG unit was designed for the ZX81 so it only liberates 1K of RAM.

The TS1000 comes equipped with a 2K internal static RAM which the

ROMPATCH circuit can fully utilize. An optional resistor and diode decodes

the A10 line to make the ROMPATCH circuit compatible with a 1K ZX81.


When an external 16K RAMPACK is attached the internal RAM is normally

disabled by connecting the RAMCS line to Vcc.


The MemoHRG goes between the ZX81 and the RAMPACK and decodes the

0000 –0400h for the RAMCS line, probably using one of the two PALs.


The ROMPATCH circuit shows a simpler method, which is functionally similar.


An 8 input OR gate (74HC4078) decodes a low on A11-A15, MREQ,

and RD or WR low. The OR gate has two complementary outputs, of

which one is connected to RAMCS and the other is used to disable the

ROMCS line.


On power up the ROM is accessible for reading with /RD and /RFSH

while the RAM is accessible for writing with /WR. This condition

allows the bottom 1K of the ROM to be copied to RAM with:


LD HL, #0000

LD DE, #0000

LD BC, #0400



This is the snippet of code of the initialization subroutine at 2442-2474h

in the MemoHRG EPROM disassembly that made me realize what the

clever folks at Memotech were up to.


The remainder of that code segment is used to format a HRG display file

and change 4 bytes (only!) of the Sinclair video Routines to make them

compatible with the HRG format.


The MemoHRG hardware is designed for SLOW mode HRG display and

this article assumes that the ZX81 is in the SLOW mode. It is essential that

the RAM is prepared with ROM contents and video patches before the

RAM is switched in place of the ROM.


Half of a 74HC74 is used as a pushbutton (S1) conditioner that toggles

between RAM and ROM occupying the 0000-0800h address space.


The 0.1 cap charges up through the 1M resistor to a state opposite the

current state of the flip-flop. When this cap is connected to the D input,

the next NMI pulse will change the state of the flip-flop and enable the

RAM to be read in of the lower address space of the ROM. Each push

of the switch will toggle between RAM and ROM mode and displays the

corresponding different video screen. A LED and resistor can be added

to indicate which mode is active.


The NMI pulse is used to synchronize switching of video mode during

program execution time to avoid conflict that would result if switching

occurred during live video display. 


The final detail to observe is the way that the /RD and /WR lines are

controlled with the series diodes and resistors connected to the flip-flop



The OR gate true output controls the RAM CS line when low, which

happens when all OR gate inputs are low. When the RAMCS line is active

low the ROMCS line is disabled with the OR gate inverted output.   


When the flip-flop Q output is high, as would be the case after reset or

power-up, the /WR line selects the RAM when /WR is low. When the

/Q output is high,  /RD selects the RAM when /RD is low.


The ROMPATCH design applies equally well to other applications that

can benefit from making changes to the first 2K of ROM code. 


ROMPATCH is a small part of the MemoHRG design and the video part is

very interesting indeed. However the strange 248x192 format, with two

additional bytes of “control code” required at the beginning of each

horizontal line of the display file is awkward design and can be an obstacle

to smooth manipulation of the video display.


Turns out this screen format is not necessary at all and next we will take a

Somewhat speculative look at the HRG hardware and present an alternative

256x192 screen display version that requires no control codes in part 2.  



